John McCormick for Lafayette City Council


I am honored to have received endorsements from many respected community members, including seven current and former Mayors of Lafayette. I would love to see you on this page! Scroll to the bottom of the page to fill out the endorsement form. If you have any questions or want to chat, please contact me at Thanks!






Current and Former Elected Officials



Carl Anduri, Former Lafayette Mayor & Current Lafayette City Council

Brandt Andersson, Former Lafayette Mayor

Candace Andersen, Contra Costa Supervisor

Mike Anderson, Former Lafayette Mayor

Cam Burks, Former Lafayette Mayor

Gina Dawson, Current Lafayette Mayor

Roger Falcone, Former Lafayette School Board

Katy Forman, Lafayette School Board

Anne Grodin, Former Lafayette Mayor

Teresa Gerringer, Former Lafayette Mayor

Erling Horn, Former Lafayette Mayor

Rebecca Bauer-Kahan, California State Assemblymember

Wei-Tai Kwok, Lafayette City Council

Meredith Meade, Lafayette School Board

Suzy Pak, Lafayette School Board

Dave Smith, Lafayette School Board

Rob Sturm, Lafayette School Board

Don Tatzin, Former Lafayette Mayor

Community and Business Leaders



Brian Aiello, Former President, Lafayette Chamber

Ann Appert, Community Foundation of Lafayette

Bob Athayde, Former Stanley Middle School Band Director

Diane Barbera, Community Foundation of Lafayette

Karen Blodgett, Business Leader

Larry Blodgett, Lafayette Business Person of the Year

Kathy Bowles, Lafayette Citizen of the Year

Nick Bozych, General Manager, Lafayette Park Hotel

Lynn Carey, Community Leader

Connie Collier, Lafayette Citizen of the Year

Pam Clarke, Community Leader

Michael Dawson, Save Lafayette Trees

Renee DeWeese, Owner, The Performing Academy

Grace Dixon, Parks, Trails, and Rec

Leila Douglah, Lafayette Business Person of the Year

Tracey Farrell, Park Theater Trust

Dennis Garrison, Former President, Lafayette Chamber

Mike Heller, Business Person of the Year

Alison Hill, Community Leader

Andree Hurst, Executive Director, Front Porch Presents

Craig Issacs, Community Leader

Anne Keyashian, Community Leader

Mo Levich, Business Person of the Year

Jay Lifson, Former Executive Director, Lafayette Chamber

Kathy & Dick Marshall, Community Leaders

Mary McCosker, Lafayette Citizen of the Year

Kathy Merchant, Former President, Lafayette Chamber

Brenden Moran, Business and Community Leader

Tom Mulvaney, Community Leader

Karen Mulvaney, Lafayette Citizen of the Year

Cheryl Noll, Community Leader

Matt Pease, Lafayette Chamber Board

Caesar Perales, Business Person of the Year

Ellen Reintjes, Community Leader

Carol Singer, Community Leader

Tom Stack, Business Person of the Year

Wendy Tamis, Business Person of the Year

Janet Thomas, Lafayette Citizen of the Year

Richard Whitmore, Former Superintendent, Lafayette School District

Bruce Whitten, Community Leader

Stella Wotherspoon, Lafayette Transportation and Circulation Commission

Mike Zampa, Community Leader

His exceptional professionalism, organizational skills, and diplomatic approach ensure that every project under his leadership is executed flawlessly. A long-time resident who deeply loves our town, John is exactly what our city council needs. – Andree Hurst, Front Porch Music

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On or before November 5th, please vote for John McCormick for Lafayette City Council.


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